Saturday, February 9, 2013

The really good ever so happy completely awesome day

Today was one of those days that satisfies the heart and soul. It was a slow, luxurious morning, sleeping in and breakfast as a family including our daily practice of holding hand around the table for the prayer. I find this particular practice very fulfilling. Then we went and participated in the baptism of some close friends, hanging out afterwards to visit and enjoy the moment. Our friends were prepared to receive the gospel for a long time and the moment to join the church turned out to be now. We have been part of teaching them and they have made our life better. I rejoice in their progress and in their joy. This evening I went to help fix a vehicle for some other friends and it came together beautifully. It made me realize how wonderfully guided I have been in my life to acquire skills and develop talents that bless my family and so many others. I am grateful for the many times I have been called upon to use these in blessing others and in doing the Lord's work. I want to recognize the hand of the Lord in my life, I am blessed, I am most often content, and I am happy.

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