Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Busy Spring

This year seems to be accelerating dramatically in every respect. We will be having our sixth child...one closer to a really respectable family size. We will be taking our first real family vacation. Church and family activities seem to be multiplying and we can hardly keep up. To add insult to business my work is so chaotic and demanding that I can rarely get through a daily list without passing much of it forward to the next day.

Today Gabriella slunk into our room under a blanket as I was working on my laptop and handed me a little note that said "To Daddy, Havfun--Dear Daddy hav a good day tomoro. I like that song to. I wont you to know that I love you." I was listening to dance music and the girls especially like it because they dance. A song that I particularly like came on and I mentioned that I like it...it seems that little girls pay a lot of attention to what their daddys say, more than I thought they did.

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