You know how we are always talking about how Washington is broken and how they are all just blowing hot air? Well, I think we need to stem the flow of emissions from our federal legislators so here is My Climate Change Plan: I think we should cut government staffs, salaries, funding and government programs to pre 1900 levels. I think we should limit the house and the senate to 12 pieces of single subject legislation, less than 50 pages in length, per year. I think there should be single term limits and only one term per lifetime per legislative body per individual.
Considering advances in technology and efficiency I think it's not only possible I think it would be successful! Think about what would happen if representatives and senators actually read and understood the legislation in front of them and had to debate the constitutionality of each point of each new piece of legislation! What would happen if no one had to worry about being re-elected! What if being constitutionally correct trumped partisan cooperation and compromise in the name of 'getting things done.'
And think of all the jobs and opportunities that would open up for the free market to fill; Think of all the tax revenues we would be leaving in the free market to be reinvested in capital improvement and in new jobs; Think about a financial system without the federal reserve...glorious!
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