Is it just me or does life seem to be composed of series of necessity driven, chaotic, and somewhat meaningless activities punctuated by moments of inspired clarity, sublime joy, and peace? I'm grateful for the moments..."these little wonders, these twists and turns of fate...these small hours still remain." I think the whole point is to direct our lives toward these moments more and more until that's all there is. As it says in Doctrine & Covenants 50:24 "That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." The ensuing verses talk about progression and the paradox of the servant leader--he that is the least is the greatest of all.
I actually do think I have it figured out...Heleman 5:12 we become more 'moment' oriented as we make Christ our foundation and we are able to "heed them not" (Nephi 8:33) them being Satan, the pride of the world etc. We begin to have the longevity of vision that brings eternal perspective to everything we see and experience, the joy that comes from... Read More confidence that nothing can shack us and the peace that comes from knowing and living right. With time we become, not just built on the Rock, we become part of the Rock, immovable, serene, happy.
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